Data Security and Privacy This statement is valid for T Risk Register for Jira Cloud. It does not cover this website. T Risk Register for Cloud stores the following information on its own server T Risk Register configuration settings you choose and enter Non-personal data identifying your Jira Cloud instance Tronikel does not store at all any issues information including keys, names, or any other details of the risks you view or record in T Risk Register. All such data remain in your Jira Cloud instance. This is a huge advantage of T Risk Register application T Risk Register configuration data storage The data that Tronikel does store on your behalf resides on a secure server in Europe. Tronikel database is not exposed to the Internet directly. It is in an network-isolated environment to which only the Tronikel administrators have access to Access to data Only authorized Tronikel employees have access to the stored data and logs Privacy Tronikel understands the importance of ensuring the privacy of your entered risks and personal information. We store data in our database only as a direct consequence of the operation of the T Risk Register for Jira Cloud add-on, and only for that purpose. We will not sell or release those data to anyone, except that, if compelled disclose them by law, we will comply with such orders. Backups Tronikel regularly backs up T Risk Register configuration data stored in Tronikel database. The security is at least as comprehensive as the protections for Tronikel database